Permanent Positions

Person Email Telephone Role Office
Aguzzi Mariangela
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+39 075 585 5635
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Alberati Valeria
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Alunni Cardinali Martina
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Angelini Paola
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+39 075 585 7346
Professore associato
Balucani Nadia
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+39 075 585 5507
Professore ordinario
Belanzoni Paola
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+39 075 585 5520
Professore associato
Bellasio Chandra
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Professore associato
Berta Marco
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+39 075 585 5604
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Bistoni Giovanni
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Boccalon Elisa
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Bonelli Daniela
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+39 075 585 5613
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Brivio Federico
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Buratta Sandra
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Campana Filippo
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Canonico Lorena
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+39 075 585 5633
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Cappelletti David Michele
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+39 075 585 5528
Professore ordinario
Carlotti Benedetta
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Professore associato
Carosi Antonella
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Catacuzzeno Luigi
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Professore associato
Cavalli Simonetta
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Professore associato
Ceccarelli Marilena
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+39 075 585 5745
Celesti Patrizia
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+39 075 585 5700
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Cesaretti Alessio
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Cinti Antonio Maria
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Clementi Catia
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Professore associato
Costantino Ferdinando
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Professore associato
Crocchianti Stefano
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+39 075 585 5515
Cruciani Gabriele
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+39 075 585 5629
+39 075 585 5550
Professore ordinario
D'Alvia Giuseppe
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
D'Amato Roberto
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10