Course name



Field(s) of study

ISCED Area 05 – Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

Qualification award

Bachelor Degree

Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework

EHEA First cycle; EQF Level 6

Length of programme / number of credits

3 years / 180 ECTS

Language of Teaching



Dipartimento di Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie

Programme director

Assunta Morresi

Access to the course

open access with assessment of personal competencies

Specific admission requirements

Formal Requirements
Certificate of completion of Italian upper secondary school or equivalent foreign qualification


Evaluation of specific subject knowledge on entry and catch up programmes

Verification of the knowledge required for the attendance of the course of study through a compulsory evaluation test of indicative and non-selective nature; if the test is not passed, the student will be given additional educational obligations and will be granted with:

• alignment courses,

• tutoring,

• online alignment courses,

• study of additional texts indicated by the course of study.


Profile of the programme

The course aims at providing students with a good grounding in the core areas of chemistry (inorganic, organic, physical, biological and analytical chemistry) and with the necessary background in mathematics and physics. The students will have basic knowledge also in more specialized topics in chemistry and will have built up practical skills during laboratory courses in which they have worked either individually or in groups. The graduates will have the ability to gather and interpret scientific data and to communicate information and ideas. They will have competences to fit them for entry-level graduate employment in the general workplace, including chemical industry, and will have developed those learning skills to allow them to undertake further study with a sufficient degree of autonomy.

Programme learning outcomes

Graduates of the Programme will be able to demonstrate:

- capacity for applying knowledge in practice

- oral and written skills in presenting scientific arguments

- capacity to learn and adapt

- problem solving

- ability to work autonomously

- ability to demonstrate knowledge and understating of essential concepts, principles and theories of chemistry

- ability to apply such knowledge to the solution of qualitative and quantitative problems

- skills in the safe handling of chemicals

- skills to conduct standard laboratory procedures and use instrumentation in synthetic and analytical work

- ability to interpret data derived from laboratory observation.

Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements

Admission to the final exam for graduation will require that the student has acquired all the credits in the study plan other than the final exam.

The final exam is associated with an internship/industrial placement of 12 ECTS that can be carried out within the department laboratories or other research institutes or external companies or abroad (through the Erasmus Traineeship program or other exchange programs). The activity carried out will be reported in the bachelor thesis. The final exam for graduation is public and consists of an oral presentation of the thesis work to the graduation committee.

Examination regulations and grading scale

Assessment is normally an oral or written exam; in some cases there are intermediate exams during the course; other evaluation elements (seminars, reports, etc.) can be foreseen in specific course units and are described in the Course Unit Profiles.
The grades for subject exams are measured in thirtieths (0-30 scale), the minimum grade is 18/30 and the maximum grade is 30/30. The maximum grade can be enhanced with “cum laude” (30 cum laude), in case of excellence. Grades are given by an exam commission of at least two teachers, whose President is the chair of the subject.

The main exam sessions are held in January/February, March/April, June/July, September/October. Students may retake exams, if not passed.

The University provides an ECTS Grading Table, which shows the actual distribution of the examination and final grades among students for each degree programme.

The final degree evaluation is expressed in one hundred and tenths (0-110 scale), the minimum grade is 66/110 and the maximum grade is 110/110. The calculation of the final grade of each candidate takes into account the average of the grades obtained in the subject exams, as well as the quality of the work performed in research or in the final thesis which is discussed in public before an exam commission. “Cum laude” (110 cum laude) may be added to the maximum grade if the exam commission decides unanimously.

Obligatory or optional mobility windows

The mobility windows are optional and flexible and can cover a semester or an entire academic year depending on the needs of the individual student. The course of study encourages and promotes mobility associated with internship activities (12 ECTS, 2 months) scheduled for the second semester of the third year through the Erasmus Traineeship program.

Work-based learning

The course includes an internship activity associated with the final exam. The internship can be carried out within the department hosting the course (research-based), but also at external companies (industrial placement) or abroad. The aim of the internship is to provide the student with the opportunity to conduct an initial research project and have personal first-hand experience of what research is about The industrial placement is a valid alternative as it is associated with a well-defined training project that must be approved by the President of the course. It is possible to use part of the free credits to increase the duration of the industrial placement.

Occupational profiles of graduates

Graduates can start the profession of Chemist: passing the State exam for the qualification to exercise the profession Section B allows enrollment in the professional register as Junior Chemist. The graduate will have as occupational fields: research, synthesis, analysis, characterization and quality control laboratories, both in the chemical industry as well as in other industries in the sectors of health, environment, energy, food, conservation of cultural heritage, polymers, adhesives, paints, dyes, products for agriculture, etc., in research institutes and in the public sector. Further possibilities are consultancy activities as a freelancer (for the skills foreseen for the first level graduate) in the sectors of analysis and quality control, environmental protection and civil protection activities.